
    Our Redeemer’s Vestry has announced our new Rector!

    To learn more, click HERE.

    The Church of Our Redeemer welcomes you to our community and to our website. Every person at Redeemer probably has a different reason why they come to worship God in this community and why they think Redeemer is special – perhaps it’s the strong commitment to children and youth, our mission and advocacy to help those in need, or the friendships formed at our annual parish retreat. Please ask us, we would love to tell you!

    The best way to get to know more about this church community is to worship with us. Our services take place at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings. You are welcome to join us in person (read about our COVID regathering guidelines here), on Facebook, or on our live-stream page. All are warmly invited to participate in worship in whatever way is safest and best for them.

    For more church updates, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram! We also send out a weekly e-newsletter on Thursdays for the entire Parish and Saturdays for Children & Youth. If you do not receive our newsletters and would like to, please email us.