The Church of Our Redeemer uses the Journey to Adulthood program which keeps a group of students and adult leaders together for 2 years. Rite 13 and J2A draw young people into community and use Bible study, prayer, age-appropriate rites of passage, outreach ministries, and serious and playful activities to accompany young people in their walk with God. Both of these programs meet on Sunday mornings at the same time as Atrium and Adult Forum.
Additionally, once students are in 8th grade, they are invited to join Youth Group, which meets on Sunday evenings for dinner, discussion, and games. And every other year, 10th-12th grade students are invited to attend a yearlong Confirmation Class, which meets in the evenings before Youth Group. At the end of this class they may choose to be confirmed by our bishops in a special diocesan service. You can read more about these programs below.
Christian education and discipleship also happens in the liturgy, as young people serve as acolytes assisting on Sundays and especially on major feasts. They may begin to serve as early as third grade.
If your child is interested in attending any of these programs, or if you have questions, please email Mtr. Emily at or call her at 617 637 6489.
Rite 13 (6th & 7th grades)
Rite 13 focuses on forming and nurturing Christian community, helping youth explore and affirm their gifts and creative powers. The Rite-13 ceremony occurs in Sunday worship around the young person’s 13th birthday. Our current cohort will complete Rite 13 in the spring of 2024, and a new cohort will begin fall of 2024.
Confirmation Class (10th-12th grades)
Every other year, students in 10th-12th grade are invited to attend our Confirmation Class, which meets in the evenings before Youth Group each Sunday. We learn about the basic beliefs of Christianity, as well as the particulars of the Episcopal Church in the Anglican Communion–and we also discuss almost anything that students bring in to wonder about! In the spring, students may choose if they would like to be confirmed by our bishops as an adult statement of faith, affirming the vows taken on their behalf at baptism and receiving a special blessing passed on since the time of the apostles. Our next class will start in the fall of 2024.
J2A (Journey to Adulthood, 8th & 9th grades)
In J2A young people learn skills for faithful living, blending action and contemplation. At the end of the second year, youth go on a holy pilgrimage. Our current group is planning a pilgrimage for summer 2015.
Youth Group (8th-12th grades)
Sundays, 5:30pm – 7:15pm – Young people gather, together with our adult volunteers, to make and eat dinner each week throughout the school year. Members of the group are encouraged and empowered to take part in service, parish leadership, diocesan youth ministry opportunities and more. Our focus on a weekly basis is fellowship and community, as well as developing a shared prayer life, supporting all those who participate. The Youth group is open to all, including any young people in the congregation (and their friends), regardless of ability to take part in Sunday morning activities.
Hanging out at Sunday Night Youth GroupMaking Shrove Tuesday Pancake SupperShopping for Grow Clinic Christmas Party for children in need
Youth serve as acolytes, here on Christmas Eve 2022.Our Youth Group typically has a big role in helping with our Grow Clinic Party.Confirmation Class ended with a big debate (and brainstorming) about a serious theological question!This was our Confirmation Class in spring 2022 with our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates.