Virtual Musical Trip to Europe
During the summer of 2022, CoOR Music Director Dr. Bernadette Colley took a continuing education excursion through England, France, Italy, and returned to the U.S. to attend the Village Harmony Memorial Labor Day Weekend in Vermont.
Bernadette gave a LIVE talk in October 2022 on her trip, but due to Covid regulations and technical snags that morning, many parishioners missed it. Bernadette has kindly made available her presentation full of photos, maps, audio clips and videos. Additionally, her lecture notes are included on many of the slides. Have a good trip and happy listening!!
Please note:
The PowerPoint file is very large; most computers will reject the attempt to virus scan and open it through a browser. You will likely see an error message such as this:

- Simply click the Download button to download the presentation to your local drive.
- Upon opening it with PowerPoint, click Slide Show in the top menu bar:

- To start the slide show, click From Beginning:

- Click anywhere on the slide to advance through the presentation.
- Many of the slides have audio clips or video clips embedded in them.
- Scroll over the slide to see either a tiny gray microphone (audio) or a play-bar (video) at the bottom of a photo.
- If the media doesn’t begin automatically, click the slide again to activate the media.

Click HERE to download the presentation.