Fall Worship Forums
As part of our worship space discussion this fall, we will have two adult forums in September. Please come and be part of this important conversation.
Adult forum is from 11:00 to 11:50 AM each Sunday.
Bring your coffee and a friend and join us!
September 15: Identifying our stories and our values.
Each of us has a worship story — how worship has touched us, changed our lives, and brought us closer to God and one another. To introduce this fall’s discussion, we want to hear and share those stories. We will share in small groups, then use those stories to identify our community values about worship. These values will help guide our discussion and decisions. The Rite 13 and J2A groups will join this forum. The forum will be duplicated at the 8:00 AM service on Sept 15 and at the Atrium teacher’s meeting in September (date TBD) so that all can participate.
September 22: Worship Space Renovation Discussion Team Report
This summer, the WSRD Team visited over a dozen churches, focusing on those that have been recently renovated or that have an architecture similar to ours. The WSRD Team will share a slide show of what they’ve seen, what ideas they’ve gleaned, and how we will try some of those ideas out in our Worship Space Experiments this fall. Many thanks to WSRD Team chair Susan Dresley and members Calie Koso and Mary Ucci for leading this forum.
Stay tuned for more worship adult forums in October and November, including an update from the Organ Committee and an opportunity to unpack our experience in the Worship Space Experiments this fall.