From the Rector

Dear friends,

I have a group of friends who have a “text prayer chain”. Whenever someone is having a hard day or issue to deal with, we text each other and ask for prayers. Not only do we get back some quick encouragement and support from our friends, but we also know that we’re being held in prayer. More than once that knowledge has changed my outlook and helped me turn to God a little more. If you’ve ever had someone pray for you, you probably know just what I mean. Prayer brings us closer to God and each other. 

Prayer brings us closer to God
and each other. 

As I wrote last week, this year during Lent we will observe a parish sabbath, an intentional time of prayer and reflection and a break from some of our usual meetings and ministries. As part of this Lenten Sabbath observance, we also want to pray for and with each other as a parish community. So, at the suggestion of Bethany Freisner (thank you Bethany!), we will have a Prayer Partnership during Lent. 

Each person who chooses to participate will be assigned someone to pray for during Lent. Your commitment is to pray for that person at least three times a week (hopefully daily) between February 26 and April 5. We’ll provide prayer resources if you would like some helpful hints on praying for others or making it a daily habit. Each person who participates will also have someone praying for them. You will know who you are praying for, but not who is praying for you. 

During Lent, this will give us an extra reason to take some time for prayer. We can pray for each other by name, and for any specific prayers needed. Journaling about our prayer experience might also be a wonderful Lenten practice to support our prayer life.  

Then, on Palm Sunday, April 5 at the adult forum, all the participants will gather. We will learn who has been praying for us over the last 6 weeks and also have time to discuss and reflect on our experience of praying for someone and being prayed for. 

We hope this will give us a chance to pray together intentionally during Lent and grow closer as a parish community. If you’d like to participate, there is a sign-up sheet in the church, or you can email me at to sign up. 
