Grow Clinic Holiday Party on Dec. 14

On Thursday, December 14 from 2:00-5:30 pm, Redeemer will again sponsor and help host the Holiday Party for about 100 children and parents served by the Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center. The Clinic serves severely malnourished young children who have been diagnosed with failure to thrive; web site: It has been a Redeemer mission partner for over ten years.

How can I help?

  • Bake cookies by Dec. 13 – VERY IMPORTANT: NO NUTS in the cookies
  • Volunteer at the party – a car pool will leave church at about 12:30 pm Dec. 14
    • To volunteer at the party or bake cookies, please contact Chris Needham at 617-835-4396.
  • Bring new hats, scarves and mittens and hang them on the Mitten Tree in church by Sunday, December 10. Redeemer’s knitters also contribute their hand-knitted items and tend the Mitten Tree at the party. Our goal is multiple tree-loads so in abundance all guests can have whatever they need.
  • Donate funds in open plate at the Crèche service and other Christmas services or by using a Mission Envelope (check made out to the church and write “Grow Clinic” in the memo line)
  • Donate read-to-me or toddler board books at the Crèche and other Christmas services – we encourage everyone to donate their favorite children’s books, especially our families with children.