Healing Service
Healing Service: Sunday, March 24, 2019
Praying for healing from physical illness, especially the practice of laying on of hands, is an ancient part of Christian tradition, reaching back to Biblical times. The Christian practice of healing prayer says something important: that we are integrated people, body and soul, and that God cares about our bodies as well as our souls. Healing may not always come in the ways we expect, but from a religious perspective the issue is not so much cure but wholeness, the wholeness that God passionately desires for us, body, mind, and spirit.
As we seek to be closer to God in Lent, getting ready for Easter by mending and nurturing our relationship with God, it’s a particularly good time to seek God’s healing, to let ourselves be mended and nurtured by God. Our worship on Sunday, March 24 will focus on God’s healing power, and all are invited to come forward and receive the laying on of hands for healing.
Whether you feel in need of physical healing, emotional healing, or just relief from stress or anxiety, God’s healing is for you. We don’t always know or understand the ways that healing works in us, but countless Christians can witness to the healing power of God’s love.