Re-Gathering Survey
June 17, 2020
Dear Redeemer Community,
As noted in Reverend Kate’s message on May 21st, Bishop Gates and the Diocesan leadership have developed a four-phased re-gathering guide for churches to follow called Journey by Stages. The Vestry has approved the establishment of a committee to implement the plan with our church community’s health and safety as its priority. We will be thinking through each phase and how it relates to our congregation and staff, our building and all who use it, and our capacity to create a safe environment.
The Diocesan guidelines are stricter than the guidelines established by Governor Baker for Massachusetts. Our re-gathering process is designed to be deliberate and gradual. Along the way we will continue to offer ways for us to connect virtually. In addition, we will continue develop protocols to limit access to the church building so we can be as safe as possible.
Also, formation will not happen in-person for a while. Our clergy are planning contingencies for youth formation for the fall. More information regarding youth formation will be provided later this summer.
It’s important for us to understand how you are currently connecting with Redeemer and to gauge your comfort level in each phase of our re-gathering effort. To do so, we’ve developed the following survey. We expect to administer it again, with minor adjustments, in the next 3, 6, and 9 months.
This survey is intended for EACH household member. Please share the link with all in your home. For parents with young children, we defer to you about completing it with or for your child. A hard copy is being mailed to your home as well.
We are also surveying the Redeemer staff and the volunteers of church-related business who access the building on a regular basis.
We ask that you please complete this survey in a timely manner. Your feedback is extremely important to our shared understanding of how successfully we are currently engaging. In addition, we want to have a shared understanding of when and how we will return to the church building for worship, formation, mission activities, and fellowship.
Your candid replies are needed and most welcome. We hope you’ll include your name, but if you prefer to remain anonymous, that is fine, too.
Access the Re-Gathering Survey here
Thank you in advance for completing this survey.
Your Re-gathering Team,
Paula Antonevich Christopher Huggins
Cassie Bowlby Lori Wright
Erica Brotschi Rev. Kate Ekrem
Murray Daniels Rev. Andrew Goldhor