Thank you, Bristol Lodge Volunteers!

Thank you, thank you all! Harriet Anthes, Sarah Conrad, Geri Easler, Andrea Faber, Chris Needham, our newest member Yvonne Nillis all the way from Kent, England, Andy and Regina Rockefeller, as well as at-home salad makers (not pictured) Mary Ucci and Susan Denham.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Please join in the fun with food again on Monday, October 23 at 1:30 pm (for prep) or 3:30 pm (for delivery to Bristol Lodge in Waltham) in the Redeemer kitchen.
  • Please consider becoming our leader for one afternoon on Monday, Nov. 23 or any 4th Monday from November to May.  An eager band of 21 volunteers awaits you. 

Many thanks to our nine volunteers on September 23 for making a terrifically well-received dinner happen for more than 60 grateful guests at Bristol Lodge. 
