Worship from January 3, 2021 Sermon by Rev. Kate Ekrem & Music

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Pastores a Belen              Trad. Puerto Rico/A. Luce
Redeemer Choir and Tradewinds Woodwind Quintet – December 2012

Pastores a Belen (As Shepherds Filled with joy)      
As shepherds filled with joy, to Bethlehem we’re going,
for Mary’s child is born this blessed Christmas morning.
See there, see there, the baby Jesus waits,
See there, see there, the baby Jesus waits.
O let us bring our honey so sweet, an offering for the Child to eat.
O let us bring our honey so sweet, an offering for the Child to eat.
Vamos, vamos, vamos a ver  (Hurry, hurry, hurry and see,)
Vamos a ver al recein nacido, (hurry and see the child born of Mary.)
Vamos a ver al nino Manuel (Let’s go and see Emmanuel.)

O holy, heavenly Child, the shepherds seek your blessing,
while singing happy songs, our hope and joy confessing.
We run, we fly, to greet the glorious Child.
We run, we fly, to greet the glorious Child.
With thankful hearts we offer our best to Jesus, at the manger we’ll rest.
With thankful hearts we offer our best to Jesus, at the manger we’ll rest.
Vamos, vamos, vamos a ver  (Hurry, hurry, hurry and see,)
Vamos a ver al recein nacido, (hurry and see the child born of Mary.)
Vamos a ver al nino Manuel (Let’s go and see Emmanuel.)

Opening Hymn 
The First Noel, (v. 1, 2, 3)
Blue Hymnal 109

Hymn of Praise
Angels We Have Heard on High, V. 1 & 2
Blue Hymnal 96

Gospel Hymn
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise, (v. 1-4)
Blue Hymnal 135

Musical Offering
Tollite Hostias                                 C. Saints Saens
Redeemer Adult Choir – December 2015

Tollite hostias, et adorate Dominum in atrio sancto eius.
Laetentur coeli, et exultet terra a facie Domini, quoniam venit.

Bring forth your offerings, and adore the Lord, your God, and worship Him in his Holy place. 
Rejoice in heaven, exult all ye peoples, for the Lord now comes in glory. Alleluia.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
Blue Hymnal S 130

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Closing Hymn
We Three Kings, V. 1-5
Soloists: Sam Stevens, Tony Johnson, Murray Daniels
Adult Choir – Recorded and mastered December 2020
Blue Hymnal 128

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