Worship from November 22, 2020 – Sermon by Rev. Frank Fornaro & Music

Worship Bulletin and Bible Coloring Pages:

Mirie It is                                                                                         English, 13th c.
Michael Webb, Guitar and Mandolin

Opening Hymn
All Praise to Thee, v. 1-3     
Blue Hymnal 477

Hymn of Praise
You are the Salt for the Earth                                                       

Atrium Singers – Recorded February 2013

You Are Salt For The Earth, Oh People,
Salt For The Reign Of God!
Share The Flavor Of Life, Oh People:
Life In The City Of God!

Atrium: First time

Bring Forth The Reign Of Mercy,
Bring Forth The Reign Of Peace.
Bring Forth The Reign Of Justice,
Bring Forth The City Of God!

Congregation & Atrium: repeat refrain

Gospel Hymn  
Sing Ye Faithful, sing with gladness, v. 1-4  
Blue Hymnal 492

Musical Offering
Sing A New Song to the Lord                                                                  N. Sleeth
Redeemer Adult Choir, February 2016

Join to rejoice, lift up your voice, sing a new song to the Lord
Harmonies fair, filling the air, sing a new song to the Lord
Let one and all answer the call, music and melody raise,
God to adore forevermore with joyful anthems of praise

Come chant with delight canticles bright to God almighty
Sing songs of good cheer echoing clear to God the Lord
Now instruments bring trumpet and string this day of days
The Lord God to adore forevermore with songs of praise

In every land begin the song, to every land the strains belong
In cheerful sound all voices raise and fill the world with loudest praise
Canticles bright sing with delight, sing a new song to the Lord
Words of good cheer echoing clear, sing a new song to the Lord
Instruments bring, trumpet and string, music and melody raise
God to adore forevermore, with joyful anthems of praise

Closing Hymn
Now Thank We All Our God, V.1-3

 Blue Hymnal 397

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