Worship from November 29, 2020 – Sermon by Rev. Kate Ekrem & Music
Worship Bulletin and Bible Coloring Pages:
In the Bleak Mid-winter
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
15th c. French
Atrium Singers, Congregation, and Riverview Chamber Players – December 2016
Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear.
Congregation Response:
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!
Opening Hymn
Once He Came in Blessing (v.1+2)
Blue Hymnal 53
Church of Our Redeemer – December 2019
Hymn of Praise
O Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
Gospel Hymn
Rejoice, Rejoice Believers (v. 1-3)
Blue Hymnal 68
Church of Our Redeemer – December 2019
Musical Offering
Zion hears the watchman calling, No. 4, Cantata 140
J.S. Bach
Redeemer Adult Choir and Cleary String Quartet-December 2013
Zion hears the watchmen calling; the Faithful hark with joy enthralling,
They rise and haste to greet their Lord.
See, He comes, the Lord victorious; almighty, noble, true and glorious,
In Heav’n supreme, on earth adored.
Come now, Thou Holy one; the Lord Jehovah’s Son!
Alleluja! We follow all, the joyful call to join Him in the Banquet Hall!
Holy, Holy, Holy
Blue Hymnal S130
Redeemer Adult Choir – Recorded and mastered, October 2020
Closing Hymn WLP 721
Signs of ending all around us
Insert WLP 721 here
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