Worship Space Renovation
On Sunday, March 3rd, we had a wonderful forum to continue our discussion of potential renovations to our worship space. Over 70 people attended and engaged small group discussions about the values we want our worship space to reflect. Each person then wrote 3 values down on a notecard. The word art below sums up that feedback — the larger the word, the more people wrote that on their card.
Rev. Kate presented some history of church architecture and what the experts say about how churches should be structured. That slide show presentation is available here.
Please keep the feedback coming! Send your value words to the clergy or a vestry member.
The next step in our discussion process is to visit other worship spaces to get ideas.
If you know a good church to visit, with a worship space that reflects these values that our community expressed, please nominate it for a visit! Send nominations to Rev. Kate at kate@our-redeemer.net or share with members of the worship committee (Murray Daniels, Mary Ucci, Cara Kalf, Susan Dresley, Charlie Coons and Kathy Mockett).. The worship committee will develop a feedback form to collect information from these field trips.